
Month: August 2024

Cognitive Health Mental Health

Mastering Procrastination: Brain Training Techniques to Unlock Your Full Potential

Are you a professional-crastinator? Is that even a term? Or is your procrastination holding you back from achieving your full potential? Procrastination is a neurological battle between two parts of your brain, signaling that something needs to be addressed. It could indicate burnout or stem from deeper core beliefs, emotional pain, or discomfort. The term Read more


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sleepy woman in bed

Apigenin and Magnesium L-Threonate: A Natural Approach to Better Sleep

Combining these two natural supplements can help you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep by calming the parts of the brain that prevent sleep. Numerous studies have shown that both apigenin and magnesium L-threonate promote a natural intervention supporting sleep quality. In this article, I’ll explain how these supplements target specific brain areas that may Read more


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