
Day: July 25, 2024

foods with sugar
Cognitive Health Mental Health Nutrition Physical Fitness Sleep

Sweet Poison: The Truth About Sugar

According to the US Department of Agriculture, the average American consumes about 100 pounds of sugar annually. This intake doesn’t just come from sugary drinks and obvious sweets; a glance at ingredient labels reveals that nearly all processed foods contain sugar. If more people knew the truth about sugar and its poisoned effects on the Read more


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Cognitive Health Mental Health Mobile Applications

Virtual Hope Box: Your Pocket Support Network for Stress Management

The Virtual Hope Box is a mobile app that empowers your self-reliant journey in caring for your mental well-being. This app is designed for clients and their behavioral health providers as a supportive tool in treatment. Anyone can use this powerful support tool to manage daily stress, even if you’re not seeing a therapist. The Read more


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