Month: October 2021

How to Avoid Daylight Savings Time Sleepiness
We all complain about Daylight Savings Time (DST). I recall going to bed as a child frustrated that the sun was still up as I just lay there unable to fall asleep, only to become very tired the following day. When we understand what is happening in the brain and body during this time change, Read more
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The Power of the Day Time Nap & Daniel Pink’s Nappaccino
Napping for 10-25 minutes during the lowest lagged portion of your day can give you about a three-hour reboot; adding some caffeine before the nap can give you a six-hour reboot.
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Book Review: LIMITLESS Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life
“I’m a firm believer that we all have incredible superpowers that are waiting to be awakened.” Jim Kwik. This is a very true statement, and you can learn to uncover your superpowers in Jim Kwik’s book Limitless. He refers to them as superpowers because once you cultivate new talents and capabilities that everyone has within Read more
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