
Month: October 2020

Cognitive Health Sleep

Detoxing Cymbalta With the Help of Natural Dopamine

Cymbalta has done more damage to many individuals than good. Many suffer as Cymbalta latches on to them and punishes them when choosing to break up this damaging relationship. It’s a painful journey detoxing from Cymbalta, but it is possible for everyone. Anyone can learn how to influence a natural release of dopamine to help Read more


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A Patient’s Narrative: Living with Undiagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea

This patient narrative describes the treatment of a patient diagnosed with moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA); the patient developed other preventable diseases had OS, diagnosis occurred. A diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD; was given when the patient first sought medical assistance. OSA, underlining illness, wasn’t discovered until performing a sleep study as part of a Read more


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Cognitive Health

Use COVID-19 as a Growth Opportunity

Laugh in the face of adversity.  Yell at it, asks for more, hunger for more, hunger for growth.  Oh, how great your mental stability will be when you laugh at adversity, yell, “Is that all you got”?  Give me more because, in the face of adversity, I will grow stronger and stronger! When the COVID-19 Read more


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Cognitive Health

Shock Your Mind for Rapid Growth

Here’s one tip you can start using right now to ensure you grow every day: aim for daily growth in various aspects of your life—whether spiritually, socially, intellectually, physically, or emotionally. It’s crucial to push ourselves to grow daily; change happens when we challenge ourselves, step outside our comfort zones, and do something unexpected. Think Read more


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